Words cannot express the injustice faced by the hardworking folks at Swag University, creators of the acclaimed JAY LENO ADVENTURES, for the tyrannical BRUTES here at Newgrounds dot com have yet to verify our game, the previously mentioned JAY LENO ADVENTURES. This means the game cannot be found on the website by conventional means. Yes, folks, this means what you think it does- our game, and the radical new ideas on the human condition it presents, are being SILENCED by the corporate liberal media. Jay Leno would not stand for this, nor would Abraham Lincoln, Jesus Christ, and, as I've been told on good word, Sonny Bono.
However, we are not worried about our game not being accepted, especially after this post is made. The outcry will simply be too great for even the bigwigs at Newgrounds dot com to bear, and they will thusly relent and accept our game. If not, the repercussions will be immense- our analysts predict a 90% loss of traffic from dutiful protesters who share our vision leave Newgrounds for other sites, like Google Plus.
That's all for now, Jayheads. Continue to enjoy the game and we'll be back with further updates soon.