Swag University is an independent game studio working to create immersive experiences that shed light on the human condition. Currently developing JAY LENO ADVENTURES 2.0.
For beta access, PM our account!

Boston, MA

Joined on 11/19/23

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74 / 100
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> 100,000
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3.17 votes
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SwagUniversity's News

Posted by SwagUniversity - December 15th, 2024

Absolutely crushed. The entire JAY LENO ADVENTURES team were expecting a win- when we arrived at the theater and were denied entry, we knew the industry at large was shunning us, despite our popular support and legions of fans. In the end, Astro Bot won game of the year instead of Jay Leno Adventures, which we believe is due to voters being confused by their similar titles. Nevertheless, this loss has been a massive blow to morale. We wrote our GOTY acceptance speech two years ago, and to be denied the opportunity to get up on that stage and read it due to industry meddling and misattributed votes is nothing short of criminal.

That being said, we may not have won due to the fact the game is not yet released. It’s difficult to say.

Happy Holidays, Jayheads.



Posted by SwagUniversity - November 21st, 2024

It has recently been reported by TMZ, USA Today and others that Jay Leno has injured himself after falling down a 60-foot hill this past Friday. He now suffers a broken wrist, bruising across his body, and has to wear an eyepatch for an unknown period of time. We here at Swag University are saddened to hear this news and wish Jay Leno a fast recovery, so he can get back to making the world smile with his comedy. We love you, Mr. Leno!


Get well soon, sir.



Posted by SwagUniversity - October 22nd, 2024

iu_1288983_19950009.gifRELEASE COMING SOON!!!iu_1288984_19950009.gif

Don't despair- Jay hasn't left you and never will. Jay Leno Adventures has finished development and is due to release in the coming days. To cover the cost of our lengthier-than-expected development, we've partnered with T-Mobile for funding. Switch to T-Mobile today for access to America's largest 5G network.



Posted by SwagUniversity - August 1st, 2024

Jay Leno Adventures is nearing completion! Our team has been hard at work these past few months to ensure the quality of Jay Leno Adventures is of the highest standard. So, please forgive us if the time taken to complete Jay Leno Adventures is longer than you may have been expecting- rest assured our effort is well-spent on delivering a premium gaming experience to you, the player.

Our on-site statistician from McKinsey estimates the game to be about 80% complete. All assets are completed and functional in-game, and 5 of 6 promised levels are complete (Three levels will take place in an icy labyrinth within Jay's mind, and three more will take place in New York City, New York). This leaves just one more level, a bombastic ending, and general polish left until we can release the game into the hearts of our fans and their families.

Attached below, as a small teaser of what's to come, is the "spike", a new obstacle you'll have to overcome as Jay. You can expect to see lots of "spike" in the final release of Jay Leno Adventures!


See above for "spike".

Lots of love,

Swag University



Posted by SwagUniversity - May 11th, 2024




Posted by SwagUniversity - February 27th, 2024

Dear followers,

I recently game across this tweet showing off Google's new "Genie" AI, capable of making video games. When I saw it, I was simply blown away.


The result speaks for itself. Dazzling images far exceeding what our fledgling studio, let alone any developer is capable of. It has become clear to anybody in the "know" that AI games are the future. And in order to ensure the survival of this studio following the IMMINENT AI REVOLUTION, we knew we had to get ahead of the curve.

Feast your eyes on the NEW JAY LENO ADVENTURES! We decided to test the AI on a minigame we're working on, called "Let the Jays Cross". Immediately, the AI improved the minigame, christening it with the new name "Got the Jose Cope". The new title is perfect in every way- thank you, AI!


And look at the new graphics, my God, the graphics! They are positively stunning. I feel like I can reach out and touch Jay Leno, who has turned into what appears to be a purple skateboard.

I'm so glad this is the way we chose to reveal this minigame to you all. You always have to put your best foot forward, and I believe we have. We can't wait to implement AI into the rest of the game!

Always Looking Forward,

Swag University



Posted by SwagUniversity - January 24th, 2024

Hello Jayheads!

Our first studio update of the new year! It's been some time since our last studio update- and in that time, the Jay Leno Adventures V2.0 update has blossomed in scope, much like how a budding flower unfurls its petals to reveal its full beauty. This is to say, the update may take a tad longer to release than anticipated. In the interest of transparency, here is the renewed scope of the update.

Updated moveset for Jay, including new abilities!

More stage elements and obstacles!

A large graphical overhaul!

Multiple secrets and Jay Leno facts to find in each level!

Completely reworked levels, and four all-new levels!

Two new enemies!

Hop-and-bop combat system!

An all-new intro cutscene!

And as promised before, a fully original soundtrack!

So, yes, quite the departure from what was originally promised, but all in the aim of delivering the very best experience we possibly can. The amount of content in update will truly dwarf the original game in size, and to reflect this, we've retroactively retitled the game to "Jay Leno Adventures (BETA)".

If you haven't checked it out already, here's our post celebrating Pixel Day 2024! There you can see some of the new content that will be present in the update.

That's all! Keep on fighting the good fight, Jay Leno fans.

With undying graditude,

Swag University



Posted by SwagUniversity - January 17th, 2024

Jay Leno fans worldwide,

We here at Swag University have come into possession of a Steam key for the hit 2018 videogame Celeste. In our boundless generosity, we have decided to give it away, but only to the individual we deem most worthy- the biggest Jay Leno fan! Logically, the only way to determine the largest Jay Leno fan is through an essay contest. Here's the prompt:

What does Jay Leno mean to you?


100+ words

Proper grammar

Proper level of appreciation

Sent to us via our PMs!

The winner of the essay contest will receive the aforementioned Steam key! However, even if you don't win, there's something in it for you- everyone who submits an essay will receive a less valuable, some may say worthless, online virtua-prize.

Sharpen your pencils,

Swag University



Posted by SwagUniversity - December 28th, 2023

Small update, JayHeads!

We here at Swag University didn't plan on revealing much about our MAJOR UPDATE to our hit game Jay Leno Adventures until it releases, but given the incessant clamoring of our fans for the reveal of any new content, big or small- we knew we had to oblige. Hopefully this will appease you, a look at a new enemy, as well as a comparison of his final look with his original concept drafted by one of our talented artists!


My, look at the improvement! From humble origins, this enemy has blossomed into a quite a handsome little man. Cool tank treads, a stylish yellow spring, this enemy has it all- that is, besides an identity. Despite our best efforts, we here at Swag University have failed to come up with a name deserving of his majesty. Thus, just as all of you have begged us for updates on the game, we similarly beg you to NAME THIS ENEMY! Comment your suggestions below, and if we like it, your name will be immortalized in the updated game's credits!

I hope you're all excited to go toe to toe with this fearsome creature when the update releases. Take care!

With furious passion,

Swag University



Posted by SwagUniversity - December 25th, 2023


Beloved Jaybies,

A very merry Christmas from our team at Swag University, who do not have the day off and are still hard at work on Jay Leno Adventures V2.0. We make this sacrifice for you- so we may give the gift of Jay Leno to you in the new year.

Celebrate the day by watching the 2007 animated film “Christmas is Here Again”, narrated by Jay Leno!


Swag University
